Sunday, December 06, 2009

Jeffrey Thanksgiving 2009

back row- l-r: Phil, Bob Miller, Rich, Paul, Jack, Tim U, Frank U
Seated: l-r: Karen, Marti, Claire U, Justine, Ann, Barbara, Justine U., Jessica
Front: William and Emily Miller

Jeffrey Family Gathering - Thanksgiving 2009

Most of the Nebraska Jeffrey clan made it to Kansas City for a KC-Style Thanksgiving graciously hosted by the Uryasz family. Ann & Frank acquired a suite at the Intercontinental Hotel overlooking the Plaza (below). It was a magic moment when the lights on the plaza erupted into a beautiful sight from our balcony view. It was a classy occasion with good times, wonderful food and fun laughs all around !

Just part of our splendid view of the Kansas City plaza!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Justine and Kaiden Birthday

It's been a while, but here's a belated happy birthday to Justine Uryasz and Kaiden Jeffrey!